Net labour participation, 2014

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The labour participation in the Netherlands fell marginally in 2014 relative to the preceding year. In general, regional differences are small, although the labour participation rates in the provinces of Groningen, Zeeland and Limburg are relatively low.

Male labour participation fairly stable

The labour participation in the 15 to 74-year-old population was 65% in 2014, i.e. 0.5 percentage points lower than in 2013 and 3 percentage points below the level recorded in 2008, when the net participation reached an all-time high at 68%. In the first years, the decline was entirely accounted for by men. The participation of men on the job market has remained fairly stable relative to one year previously. Currently, women account for the lower participation rate. In 2014, the net labour participation among 15 to 74-year-old women was one percentage point down from 2013.

Utrecht has highest rate of the four major cities

With 69%, Utrecht has the highest labour participation of the four major Dutch cities, followed by Amsterdam with 65%. In The Hague and Rotterdam, the rates are significantly lower with 60% and 58% respectively in the age category 15-74.

Labour participation higher in central part of the country

The labour participation is relatively high in the central part of the country. The central part is defined as the area running from the small municipalities in the province of South Holland to the northern part of the province of Overijssel and the province of North Brabant in the south. Beyond this area, the average labour participation is marginally lower. The lowest rate is recorded in the municipalities along the eastern border, in the southern part of Limburg and in the region of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.


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Reference of this webpage

CLO (2015). Net labour participation, 2014 (indicator 2099, version 06, ), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), The Hague; PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague; RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven; and Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen.