
The indicators in the Environmental Data Compendium are updated regularly. Below is the list of the last updated indicators. Using this page, you can easily see which indicators were updated since your last visit.

36 indicators

Ecosystem quality (area) 1994-2017

An indicator of the quality of ecosystems is the presence of qualifying species in protected natural areas. Almost 40% of the area of terrestrial ecosystems has a moderately high to high ecological…

Ecosystem quality and trends in groundwater-dependent ecosystems, 2018

Natural areas where groundwater levels are too low are classified as moderate to bad; the conditions in these areas are not suitable to support the desired level of ecological quality. These moderate…

Ecosystem quality and trends in soil pH, 2018

In many ecosystems soil quality in terms of soil pH is good. But soil pH in parts of natural and semi-natural grasslands, open dunes and marshland is not yet within acceptable levels. In all…

Conservation status and trends in species and habitat types under the Birds and Habitats Directives, 2013-2018

About 90% of the habitat types in the Netherlands have an unfavourable-bad to unfavourable-inadequate conservation status. About a quarter of the Habitats Directive species have a favourable…

Quality surface water, 2019

Most water bodies do not meet the quality requirements as laid down in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The chemical quality is in most water bodies insufficient. The ecological quality…

Waste generation and treatment, 1985-2018

More and more waste is being recovered or incinerated, while less and less is being sent to landfill sites. 61 million tons of waste was generated in 2018 (excluding contaminated soil, dredged spoils…

Waste generation and treatment by sector, 1990-2018

The amount of waste generated in 2018 was 61 million tons (excluding contaminated soil, dredged spoils and animal manure). Nearly 93% of the waste generated was recovered; less and less waste is being…

Land use in the Netherlands, 2015

The Netherlands is a green country, with more than four fifths of its surface area used for recreation, agriculture, woodland and nature. However, land use varies greatly from province to province.

Nitrogen deposition, 1990-2018

Nitrogen deposition, averaged over the Netherlands, totalled 1,730 mol nitrogen per ha (mol N/ha) in 2018. Deposition has therefore decreased by 36% since 1990. Since 2005 the decrease has stagnated…

Road traffic: volume trends and environmental pressure, 1990-2018

Implemented measures resulted in a decrease in emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides since 1990, despite an increase in the number of vehicle kilometres. Carbon dioxide emissions have…